Construct fire line using hand tools or power equipment by cutting, scraping, digging, and chopping or burning out to remove flammable materials
Journeyman/Top Climber
Trims and/or removes trees by climbing with the aid of a ladder, safety belt, climbing line, powered trimmer lift truck, or works from the ground using saws/pruners.
Range Technician
The position will provide integrated weed management planning and support through implementing weed management activities, plans and proposals using established methods to treat, control and prevent infestations.
Administrative Specialist
You will provide administrative support for Central Oregon District.
Forest Management Technician
As the Forest Management Technician you will perform a wide variety of tasks in the areas of timber sale preparation, fuels reduction, and timber stand improvements through thinning, piling, and burning of fuels.
Forest Manager 2 – Assistant to the Area Director
ODF is looking for a Forest Manager 2 to provide leadership and oversight of multi-district and statewide projects, to assure operational capacity, and to provide consistent delivery of program activities as directed by the Area Director.
Permanent Forest Officer
ODF is looking for a Permanent Forest Officer to provide leadership for the seasonal workforce and serve as an advanced initial attack Incident Commander and function at a higher ICS level on more complex incidents.
Forestry Lab Assistant
Lab assistants will assist the primary course instructor in the education of students in the lab experience, preparation of lab supplies for classroom and field, maintaining lab equipment, and other classroom and field support as needed.
Wildland Fire Supervisor
ODF is looking for a Wildland Fire Supervisor to supervise coordination of the necessary field activities to meet fire program objectives on the unit through cooperation with cooperators and local and federal agencies.
Wildland Fire Suppression Specialist
Complete wildland firefighting activities; locates fires using maps, Global Positioning System (GPS), and compass. Will teach.